Balancing Group Management

Request information

Your competitiveness as a balancing group manager, supplier and direct marketer depends to a large extent on keeping the costs of conducting your business low. These include, above all, the process costs of daily energy supply as well as the control and balancing energy costs.

Our fully automated balancing group management allows you to have these tasks completely handled by software. This reduces your process costs and ensures that the respective process deadlines are met. As part of our highly integrated AKTIF®dataService, you benefit from ideal data quality. All information provided to you by market communication and master data management (e.g. due to supplier change processes) can be used directly in the forecast without internal or external interfaces, so that the forecast quality ensures you low control and balancing energy costs.

Our range of services in the field of balancing group management includes, among others:

  • fully automated process design incl. forecasting, plausibility check, spot market procurement, schedule generation and balancing (MabiS, GaBi Gas)
  • support of all prescribed communication channels (email, SCP, AS2, ...)
  • consideration of the European and country-specific requirements of the regulatory authorities (BNetzA, E-Control, ETSO)
  • full support of network operator-specific load profiles incl. comprehensive plausibility check and versioning
  • weather-dependent comparison day forecast, also optimized for smart metering systems
  • comprehensive optimization of spot trading, including internal and external calculation as well as scheduling and dispatch to trading partners

Efficient Business Processes

Your advantages:

  • fully automated business processes in an integrated system
  • maintenance of all adjustments to the dynamic energy market without cost risk
  • integration into follow-up processes possible without interfaces
  • quick commissioning

AKTIF Customer Groups

AKTIF's intelligent balancing group management solutions help the following customers to automate their processes:

  • energy suppliers and balancing group managers with deliveries to Germany and Europe
  • direct marketers in Germany, incl. keeping of various direct marketing balance sheets
  • industrial and trading companies that want to actively participate in the energy market themselves (e.g. managing their own balancing group)
  • energy producers who would like to market generated quantities themselves and exchange information with other market partners for this purpose (e.g. within the framework of MaBiS)
  • operators of customer facilities or real estate companies that supply energy themselves within their properties and wish to balance their property networks

Our products for the balancing group management

You can choose between the following AKTIF-products:

  • AKTIF®dataService as a software product that enables you to handle your processes in a customized and highly automated way.
  • AKTIF®smart&easy as a cloud product that is "ready to start" for you and can be used immediately without risk and without additional investment.
  • AKTIF®Services as a customized service solution. We implement your processes for you cost-effectively, individually and highly automated.
  • AKTIF®smart&easy service: as a service solution "ready to go", which takes over the complete processing for you and helps you to successfully establish and expand your business in the energy market. Order. Get started.

Your link to us

Do you have any questions or would you like individual consulting?
Our team will be happy to help you: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 16.00 Time

+49 3573 363 18-600