Quick Starters

Request information

Are you new to the energy market or simply looking to expand your business?

We enable you as a supplier, balancing group manager or direct marketer to get started quickly with our smart&easy software and service packages.

Our range of services in the field of quick starters includes, among others:

  • complete balancing group management electricity & gas
  • mapping of all supplier change processes
  • formal & substantive review of network and energy invoices (paper, INVOIC, REMADV)
  • formal & substantive review of excess/shortfall invoices
  • individual initial invoicing of electricity, gas and electricity feeders, including all subsequent processes
  • provision of comprehensive energy information (including consumption data, energy ratios, billing data, graphics) on your website

Efficient Business Processes

Your advantages:

  • compliance with energy market processes and legal requirements based on best practice models
  • ready to use as software or as service, short implementation time, established, without cost risk
  • transparent due to full data access
  • more free space for your core business

Our products for the quick start

You can choose between the following AKTIF products:

  • AKTIF®smart&easy: our software as a cloud product that is "ready to start" for you and can be used immediately with minimal effort.
  • AKTIF®smart&easy service: our "ready-to-go" service solution that takes care of all the processing for you and helps you to successfully establish and expand your business in the energy market. Order. Get started.

Your link to us

Do you have any questions or would you like individual consulting?
Our team will be happy to help you: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 16.00 Time

+49 3573 363 18-600