Market Communication

Request information

A crucial point for the success of the digitization of the energy transition is an efficient and cost-effective processing of transactions between all acting market players. This is only possible with a highly automated and secure data exchange.

We offer solutions for the country-specific standardized market processes and data formats in the European energy industry. We understand market communication not as a mere exchange of information between market participants, but as a profitable overall process for your company.

Our promise to you: With AKTIF you have the most efficient business processes in the energy market.

Range of Services

Our range of services in the field of market communication includes among others:

  • consideration of country-specific requirements of regulatory authorities, including BNetzA, E-Control, EICom, CREG, DERA
  • fully automated process design including generation, dispatch, import, plausibility check of reports as well as reconciliation with your own database
  • support of all prescribed communication channels (email, SCP, AS2, ...)
  • provision of integrated data security components (signing, certification)
  • comprehensive integration with internal function modules (e.g. integration with customer billing)
  • support of all market communication regulations for electricity and gas in Germany, e.g. GPKE, GeLi Gas

Your link to us

Do you have any questions or would you like individual consulting?
Our team will be happy to help you: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 16.00 Time

+49 3573 363 18-600