Direct Marketing

Efficient and highly automated handling of reporting and business processes

Request information

Do you commercialize regenerative energies?

We support you as a supplier, renewable energy direct marketer and balancing group manager in the efficient and highly automated handling of reporting and business processes, e.g. in supplier change and customer billing with our software and service products.

Our range of services in the field of direct marketing includes, among others:

  • customer acquisition and retention (quoting, customer portals, sales partner support)
  • EDM (master, contract and consumption data management)
  • handling of the various legal and other marketing types and remuneration models
  • mapping of all types of feed-in on the market (photovoltaics, CHP, wind farms, biogas, ...)
  • automated generation and processing of master and transaction data according to MPES as well as further market communication (MaBiS, WiM)
  • forecasting, marketing, balancing group & schedule management
  • settlement of direct marketing, virtual power plants, storage models
  • subledger & payment control
  • bundling of direct marketing and energy supply

Lars Ehrler

Head of product development

We offer you maximum flexibility to comprehensively map your innovative business models.

Automate processes intelligently with AKTIF

With our powerful and integrated software solution AKTIF®dataService, we offer you a solution for all process steps: - from the initial contact with the customer, to the change of supplier, energy data management and billing. The provision of individual web portals for new and existing customers is also included.

Range of Services Software and Services of the AKTIF Group

Our integrated approach, in which data is stored centrally only once and is available for all processes, ensures high data quality, high-performance task processing and fast work results. It makes it possible to handle all processes in one system without interfaces.

Our products for direct marketing

You can choose between the following AKTIF products:

  • AKTIF®dataService: our software product that enables you to handle your business processes in a customized, highly automated manner.
  • AKTIF®smart&easy: our software as a cloud product that is "ready to start" for you and can be used immediately with minimal effort.
  • AKTIF®Services: our customized service solution. We implement your processes for you inexpensively, individually and highly automated.
  • AKTIF®smart&easy service: our "ready-to-go" service solution that takes care of all the processing for you and helps you to successfully establish and expand your business in the energy market. Order. Get started.

Your link to us

Do you have any questions or would you like individual consulting?
Our team will be happy to help you: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 16.00 Time

+49 3573 363 18-600