Energy controlling

Request information

The recording and monitoring of all energy-related data is becoming increasingly important for all commercial enterprises. Energy costs have become an important cost factor in industry and commerce as well as in service and craft businesses. The expansion of self-generation concepts makes the collection and monitoring of energy data as well as the related costs more and more complex.

We, the AKTIF Group, offer you a simple and cost-effective way to monitor your energy data clearly and to generate interesting added value for your company.  

Our range of services in the field of energy controlling includes, among others:

  • meter and property management
  • recording and monitoring of all relevant energy data
  • electronic connection of intelligent metering systems
  • easy mobile access to all relevant information
  • fully automated incoming invoice verification of your energy invoices
  • support for cost-reducing procurement
  • mapping of an "alternative system for improving energy efficiency" according to SpaEfV

Efficient Business Processes

Your advantages:

  • eligible software to map an alternative system to improve energy efficiency
  • simple and intuitive operation incl. mobile access
  • extensive value-added functions such as invoice verification and energy forecasting
  • low maintenance & minimal cost risk
  • cloud solution with highest data security standards, hosting on German servers
  • short implementation time
  • available as a service

Automate processes intelligently with AKTIF

With our powerful and integrated software solution AKTIF®Webportal, we offer you a solution for all process steps: from meter reading and energy data analysis to invoice verification and cost center accounting.

Our integrated approach, in which data is stored centrally only once and is available for all processes, ensures high data quality, high-performance task processing and fast work results. It makes it possible to handle all processes in one system without interfaces.

Our products for energy controlling

You can choose between the following AKTIF products:

  • AKTIF®EnEff: our energy efficiency software product that allows you to evaluate your energy data and processes in a highly automated way. Supports an alternative system to improve energy efficiency.
  • AKTIF®EnEffWeb: our energy controlling software as a cloud product that is "ready to start" for you and can be used immediately with minimal effort.
  • AKTIF®Services: our customized service solution. We support you with our know-how to monitor your data in a reasonable and targeted way.

Your link to us

Do you have any questions or would you like individual consulting?
Our team will be happy to help you: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 16.00 Time

+49 3573 363 18-600